ES +34 924 524 001 ES +34 608 347 660      sanjosevillafranca@fundacionloyola.es | Onda Collegium Podcast Onda Collegium Podcast
ES +34 924 524 001 ES +34 608 347 660      sanjosevillafranca@fundacionloyola.es | Onda Collegium Podcast Onda Collegium Podcast

Pastoral formation in Secondary

  • At this stage of ESO, great changes take place in the personality of the students. So they are trying to guide them towards a human and Christian maturity.

  • They are accompanied to seek their human fullness and experience how it is enhanced from the dynamics of the gospel.

  • It is intended that they know themselves, their companions and Christ.

  • It seeks to help them grow in faith, to move from a childish faith to a more adult and deeper, more personal faith.

  • Although it is not the only objective, it helps them to travel a path so that they can later receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

  • A very valid instrument for the Pastoral Care of the School are the Lines of Force, which from the Ignatian spirituality, accompany the human and spiritual journey of the students during the year.

Proposal for all students:

  • Celebrate, weekly, a time of prayer to Christ through the intercession of his Mother.

  • Celebrate a Liturgy of Reconciliation in Advent and Lent.



Proposal for those who freely want it:

  • We celebrate a weekly Eucharist for courses.

  • Possibility of personal encounter with God and celebrate the Sacrament of Forgiveness every day half an hour before classes begin, from 8:00 to 8:30 in the morning in the chapel.

  • We collaborate with the Ignatian Week of the College.

  • The “ETAYS Compartir” Community meets in small groups after school time once a week.

  • Vigils and gatherings of one day during the school day.

  • Personal accompaniment.



Proposal for those who freely want it:

  • We celebrate a weekly Eucharist for courses.

  • Possibility of a personal encounter with God and of celebrating the Sacrament of Forgiveness every day half an hour before the start of classes, from 8:00 to 8:30 in the morning in the chapel.

  • We collaborate with the Ignatian Week of the College.

  • The “ETAYS Marchamo’s” Community has a process marked by small group meetings led by a guide, with prayer, celebrations and activities (volunteers in 4th ESO). In it they are accompanied and encouraged to take the step from a childish faith to a more committed experience.

  • 1-day retreat to deepen the common experience of faith and personal knowledge.

  • Initiation to the life of prayer (for 3rd year of ESO).

  • 3-day retreat to deepen the knowledge of oneself and the life of prayer (for 4th ESO).

  • Participation in Marchamo’s prepares for Confirmation in 1st year of Baccalaureate.

  • Experiences: Pre-Easter in Úbeda for 2nd and 3rd ESO.

  • “The Camino de Santiago” (120 km on foot), in summer. Since 1997, more or less than 25% of the 3rd and 4th ESO students have participated. It is the most requested experience of the College.

  • We try a personalized spiritual accompaniment.