ES +34 924 524 001 ES +34 608 347 660      sanjosevillafranca@fundacionloyola.es | Onda Collegium Podcast Onda Collegium Podcast
ES +34 924 524 001 ES +34 608 347 660      sanjosevillafranca@fundacionloyola.es | Onda Collegium Podcast Onda Collegium Podcast

Pastoral formation in Primary

The scope of collegiate life

  • Every day our classes begin with a small prayer that helps us to live our life in a way that is consistent with our faith. In strong moments of the year this prayer is performed in a special way.

  • On Fridays, all the students of the School celebrate our Faith together through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.

  • In the strong times of the Liturgical Year, Advent, Lent, and Easter, we reflect on the progress of our personal, human and Christian maturation, and the opportunity is offered to receive the Sacrament of Forgiveness.

  • All the parties of the School begin with the Eucharist with all the members of the educational community.

  • Each course has a time of internalization and personal knowledge, of getting to know others and of meeting with the risen Christ who walks with us. All students have the opportunity to freely attend a coexistence, according to the state of their personal maturity, following the itinerary experienced by Saint Ignatius of Loyola and transmitted to the Church through the Spiritual Exercises.

  • Throughout the course, different campaigns are developed within the Entreculturas-Proyecto Hermanos, in which they are initiated into openness and fraternal commitment to other needy men from near and far.

The field of personal and community life

El Colegio ofrece la posibilidad de pertenecer a la Comunidad Cristiana San José. Ésta se estructura en diferentes Comunidades, según las edades y el grado de desarrollo personal y de vivencia de fe, y según la adecuación de la espiritualidad ignaciana emanada de los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio.

The students of 1st and 2nd Primary receive half an hour every fortnight of pastoral training with the person in charge of pastoral care of the stage.

The students of 3rd and 4th grade of Primary can belong to the Community “Comenzamos (We begin)”, in which they receive the initial rudiments of our faith. At the end of this stage, the members who have acquired the necessary maturation receive the Sacrament of First Communion.

The 5th and 6th grade primary school students become part of the “ETAYS Amistad Misionera (Missionary Friendship)” Community, in which they are helped to open their horizons to the reality of other children in the world who live in conditions different from ours and fall into the account of Christ’s command to proclaim the Gospel to all men. The summit activity is the final coexistence of the stage with the Virgen de Guadalupe school.