ES +34 924 524 001 ES +34 608 347 660      sanjosevillafranca@fundacionloyola.es | Onda Collegium Podcast Onda Collegium Podcast
ES +34 924 524 001 ES +34 608 347 660      sanjosevillafranca@fundacionloyola.es | Onda Collegium Podcast Onda Collegium Podcast

Mission, Vision and Values

The San Jose School, in Villafranca de los Barros, is a center of the Society of Jesus, integrated into the Loyola Foundation, along with five other schools in Andalusia, the Canary Islands and Extremadura. It is located in a rural setting in the province of Badajoz.

It serves a school population, at the Primary, E. S. O. and Baccalaureate levels, from a rural and non-rural context, mostly from localities in Extremadura and Western Andalusia. It also welcomes a smaller number of students from other autonomous communities, such as Castilla la Mancha or Madrid, and others from foreign countries, primarily from Ireland, Portugal, France and the United States. It has a residence for students.

The Loyola Foundation is an apostolic work of the Society of Jesus for education in Andalusia, the Canary Islands and Extremadura. As members of the Church we collaborate through education in the proclamation of the Gospel.

We are a network of six schools that have an educational tradition based on Ignatian spirituality. We are part of the Education Sector of the Society of Jesus in Spain (EDUCSI) that forms a network of schools with which we share the same educational tradition and Ignatian spirituality.

We belong to Educate Magis, which is the international network of educational centers of the Society of Jesus in the world with whom we share the same global horizon for education.



Our mission is the comprehensive training of students in all their dimensions as conscious, competent, compassionate and committed people to be at the service of others. In collaboration with the entire educational community, we accompany young people in creating a hopeful future.

From education we contribute to the mission of the Society of Jesus in Spain to announce and witness the mission of reconciliation with God, with others and with creation.


The Colegio San José, as a center belonging to the Loyola Foundation, is aware of the changing characteristics of the world and of the society in which we find ourselves in the next five years, it aims to achieve that:

  1. To be an evangelizing center through comprehensive educational action.

  2. Where students and the most vulnerable people in the educational community find in our schools a safeguard culture for their development and personal growth, generating safe spaces, relationships and activities.

  3. Your students feel accompanied and being the center of the teaching-learning process, they become an agent of social transformation.

  4. The training of our students is characterized by excellence in all its dimensions: with a depth that opens them to the experience of God and with an innovative pedagogy renewed by the Ignatian pedagogical paradigm (PPI) that responds to new needs and challenges of the society.

  5. Be open to universality and integrate among your students people who experience lack of opportunities and are in more disadvantaged contexts.

  6. Enhance the personal accompaniment of all members of the educational community, generating spaces for care and encounter in our School.

  7. All its members have the possibility of living Ignatian spirituality and having access to a personal experience of faith in which communion, plurality and collaboration with other religious families and with local Churches are part of it.

  8. It is an institution in which the network works in a cohesive way with the rest of the centers that make up the Foundation and in which the different educational communities share the mission.

  9. Be an institution that, from the education sector of the Society of Jesus (Educsi) and the different apostolic platforms, works in a network to articulate the mission of the Society.

  10. Be an institution with Ignatian leadership so that common discernment and evaluation is your way of proceeding.

  11. With a sustainable economy and at the service of the mission, be faithful to the option for the most disadvantaged and the care of creation.


The Colegio San José, as a center belonging to the Loyola Foundation, to achieve the objectives contemplated in the mission, has the following values:

  1. Ignatian spirituality being an apostolic work of the Society of Jesus that has a clear educational project that has always been noted for being on the frontier and being innovative.

  2. The conviction, confirmed by history, that holistic education helps to change people and people help to transform the world.

  3. A living tradition that includes an educational, academic, pedagogical style, of education in values ​​with its own ideology, transmitted by the Society of Jesus to thousands of former students who have passed through its classrooms for centuries, and which is currently shared by other schools from Spain and around the world.

  4. The commitment, vocation and generous dedication of the staff to educational work based on Ignatian Spirituality.

  5. The awareness that participation and co-responsibility are the most effective way to achieve objectives using collaborative work as a means.

  6. The culture of excellence as an indispensable means for the growth and maturation of our students.

  7. The affirmation of the centrality of the person in their possibilities of growth and in their capacity to experience God, making them responsible for themselves.

  8. The commitment to an interiority that is built in relation to others and that is inhabited by God.

  9. Accompaniment and care for students and the entire educational community.

  10. The openness and sensitivity towards the needs of the world and the care of the common home and the commitment to the most disadvantaged and to the excluded and vulnerable people.

  11. An evaluation and updating of the continuous training needs for all members of the educational community, generating spaces for reflection.

  12. Plurality based on deep respect, tolerance and a constructive critical sense.

  13. Effective institutional concern for the safety of minors and vulnerable people.

  14. The culture of networking between the centers and bodies of the Loyola Foundation and with the rest of the EDUCSI members.

  15. The links established with the families of our students.

  16. The continuous evaluation of the institution and its centers and bodies.

  17. The effective attitude of collaboration and openness to other people, works and organizations of different ideologies.